
This is the website for the rec.music.hip-hop newsgroup. All contributors to the newsgroup are welcome to make suggestions on improving the site. - mr.tim



This website is all about the newsgroup. You can read the most recent posts here or you can go to Google Groups. Google allows you to post to newsgroups after you've registered.








Use Google to search rec.music.hip-hop for information on hiphop, sports, politics, food, owls and more!



RMHH is currently in the (very slow) process of determining the best hiphop albums of every year. The years 1987 to 1991 have been completed and 1992 voting will begin soon.


The Lists



Ever wondered what rmhh folks look like? Check out the poster's pics.

If you post to the newsgroup and have a pic to show us, email me.



There have been hundreds of show and album reviews posted over the years. Here are some:

Show Reviews

Album Reviews

If you've done a review and would like to share it,

email me.

1987 1988 1989 1990 1991





RMHH was born in 1995, the only child of alt.rap and rec.music.funky. Steve 'Flash' Juon tells the tale here.

Kari Orr wrote this guide for newbie posters.




Classic Posts Archive

Since rec.music.hip-hop's creation almost nine years ago, there have been many great posts. Here we highlight just a few of them.

The Classics




Here are some links.


Thanks to Tim Schnetgoeke for designing the logo and keeping the website alive, and to everyone who's sharing their ideas.

© boumtje brown productions