OK, I'm going to try to bring as objective a review as possible...I'm
gonna attempt to lay it all out and set the records straight on this

Before getting this album, I already picked up the Fallin Up/Que Dices
12" so I was reasonably hyped for this one...then I got the Joints &
Jam/Fallin Up Remix 12" and I was even more hyped (although that remix
is horrible...bleh...don't believe the hype).

In short: I really really really wanted to like this album but there's
something wrong with it IMO. I dunno, it's like there is something
missing. I can't put my finger on it but I think anyone else who picks
up this one will feel the same way. I really can't see the bulk of
this thing standing the test of time...not at all. It's like they're
trying way too hard to do something but it just isn't working for
them...you'll get a better idea of what I mean as I go track by track
through this thing.

Seriously, the Elevator Muzak people will have a field day with the
instrumentals to this shit...I like my music to have kind of a hard
edge to it...this stuff is way to accessible and soft for me. Even the
Digables had some thump and bump to their music (and it was 100s of
times doper)...this has very little thump to it (except for Fallin Up
and Joints & Jam).

Track by Track Review:

Fallin Up- This was on the first 12" and I liked it. Maybe I'm getting
a little sick of it now but it's still a decent song with nice beats.

Clap Your Hands - This one has some great potential but there's
something dreadfully wrong with it. It's like you're bobbing your head
to the beat and getting into it...and then it hits you...this song

Joints & Jam - I like this a lot. It's something for the radio but who
cares...that beat is nice...they did a decent job with it.

The Way U Make Me Feel - Picture "Silent Treatment" by the Roots but
more annoying and "cheap" sounding...I did not like this one.

Movement - The beat is pretty hot...but...this is one of the many
tracks on this album where they are just trying too damn hard...

Karma - "Ain't no running from Karma, Ain't no runnin from"...this is
one of those Edutainment type songs...beat is alright but the lyrics
are kinda weak.

Be Free - Sorry...but this is wick wick waaack. It's like they're
trying to replicate a cheap techno/house tune from 1991...avoid at all

Say Goodbye - This sounds like something that would have fit nicely
into the Brand New Heavies "Heavy Rhyme Experience" compilation from a
few yrs back. Nice mellow funky tune...

Duet - This is another one of those kinda-sounds-like-the-Roots type
songs. But it's not that bad...hey I liked The Roots and they did a
pretty good job at biting them.

Communication - I thought the first 20 seconds of this song was
extremely dope...I really liked that beat. But then they fuck it all
up for the remaining 4 minutes...

What it is - I guess it's kind of a party type joint. I don't like but
I'm sure others may get into it.

Que Dices - Another one off that 12"...I wasn't feeling it at first,
but then after listening to the rest of this album...this sounded a
hell of a lot doper.

a8 - Kinda preachy and wierd...I didn't like it.

Love Can't Wait - Blehhhhh....uh uh...no way...this sucks

Head Bobs - It's like they're trying to be "hardcore", rugged
lyricists but they kinda flunk miserably. It's an alright beat but
nothing great.

Positivity - As the title suggests...more of the same ol' shit. Except
it's kinda long and drags on...

Take my advice and get the two 12"s they currently have out (Fallin'
Up & Joints + Jam). You will not be missing anything much if you don't
pick up the album as most of the dopeness is confined to these 2 12"s.
Besides, some loser will probably make some big-assed Black Eyed Peas
page and put real audio for every track on the album...so you can
check out what you missed and pick up the 2LP for 1.99 in the delete
bin if you still want it.

