( if there is any doubt as to my gender, being that my name is kari,
my full name is Kari Jamil Orr and yes i am a proud member of the male

My experience with so called hip hop girls

1. There was Beverly - turns out she is strictly on the beat tip and
could care less what they are saying.

K - "who's your favorite rapper?"

beverly "nas"

Kari (immediately impressed, for at one time, Nas was my favorite rapper)

"what do you like about him"

Beverly -"he has the best beats"

2. There was Beth - not just a regular hip hop groupie, THE hip hop
groupie. either way she was a beat head if i could even go that far.

K- "what cd's you got in the car"
Beth "here look through my folder"
K (i only see raekwon out of 60 cd's)

3. Alexa - not a hip hop head at all is what i realized, just another girl
at a concert.

Kari working at the Jester Snack Bar frying burgers
Kari " So what's your name"
Alexa "Alexa"
Kari "your friend tells me you like hip hop"
Alexa "it's all i listen to"

So where out on the first date, rolls up with digable's blow out comb.
look through the tapes, de la soul, tribe, the pharcyde, not another one
i think this is the worst type, because they listen to good hip hop
but really have no idea what's good about it. another person who doesn't
think about what they are listening to. oh and to think she was going
to steal my records, but she thought it was my partners. as if stealing
from my friend somehow lessens the crime.

4. maria? - what girls will tell you to push up on you,
"make me a tape, strictly east coast"

cool i make the tape, put a good 4 hours into a 90 minute pause tape.
she never gets it from me.

Kari _ "yo, the Roots are playing at Catfish station, do you want to go?"
Maria " Naw, me and my friends are going to have a party at this ranch
with plenty of jungle juice"

kari thinks for a split second, cute drunk girl who already wants me vs
the roots.

Kari - "well i tell you about the concert monday"

turns out to be the best concert i've ever been to.

5. Margo
margo - "what do you mean you don't like freestyle fellowship"
kari - "i just can't get with it"
margo "what about keith murray"

Kari thinks this girl has potential.
summer rolls up, kari visits margo. margo is wearing daisy dukes and
showing off a frame that he didn't she had. Damn she's hella fine

Margo "kari meet my boyfriend"

6. leshaunda

L -"yo, you looking kinda cute"
k" you not to bad yourself"
L - "here take my number "

kari intrigued, hasn't gone out with anyone the whole summer
the first and last call

K - "so what's up baby"
L - "i've got the cramps"
K - (trying to not go any more into that area)
L - "you know oral sex usually gets rid of the cramps, but i don't

Well folks before it gets to x-rated, i didn't talk to her

7. Vivian
hop into the car to go see Dead presidents with her and her friends,
and of her own volition pops in her copy of illmatic.

starts kicking lyrics memorized from listening a lot, then i realize
she's doing it too. well kari puts the mack on, and we were going out
for almost a year until last night.

Hip hop girls, they don't exist. hip hop girls i don't need them,
all of the girls into hip hop because they want to be in hip hop not
because of all the cute guys, or to get paid, or to be seen...

Just give me a girl into RnB and hates hip hop. Believe me, i don't
want to convert anyone, and i will learn to enjoy a little RnB, provided
that the R kelly is just background for what's really going on.

house of really lonely now that i'm single after this long
time i get to hang out with my soldiers after selling my
soul to a woman phat beats

i have yet to meet a Makeba, or a Mahogany, but i know that girl
that Common was talking about